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What Wall Street Bio looks like....

The Dropout is an Investment Management professional with 20 years of Equity Trading and Valuation experience. His most recent role was Director of US Fundamental Trading for XYZ Capital, focused primarily on Quantitative Trading strategies. The Dropout has deep rooted investment experience through previous roles as Junior Partner and member of the Investment Committee at XYZ Investors, LP, hedge fund focused on Long/Short Equity Investments, and Director of Financial Trading at Major International Bank. The Dropout is currently focused on leveraging his trading experience to pursue an entrepreneurial drive. He is a graduate from XYZ College with a dual degree in Economics and Government. 

The Truth......

Average guy

Average education

Average student

Good work ethic

Weak hairline

Forcibly locked to hedge fund and institutional trading desks 60 hours a week for the past 20 years. Tired of the garbage spewed by the street. Imprudently walked out of major hedge fund one day and moved South. Picked up a few things over the years that could help the average person help figure out the markets and make some money.

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noun: consigliere; plural noun: consiglieri


an adviser, especially to a crime boss.

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